'you' and 'your' refers solely to you, the individual or organisation who listed the competition with us.
'us'; 'we' 'I' 'TCF' refers solely to The Competition Finder, LAA Events Ltd, and Leam Athletics Ltd.
By submitting your Competition to be Advertisedyou understand and agree that:
1. We claim no ownership of your competition. The organization and promotion is still your sole responsibility.
2. We are not responsible for how many people enter your competition and we can not guarantee that you will have people enter.
3. We are not responsible for any miss information on our website surrounding your competition, all data entered not the website will be accurate to the form you submitted.
4. The security of your payment is not our responsibility, it is the responsibility of WIX and PayPal and their payment systems.
5. That we will keep your data on record subject to our privacy policy and under GDPR.
6. Information will be shared with you in accordance with the package you select. We will not disclose information outside of those remits.
7. We will not share any customer information outside of what is absolutely necessary.
8. We hole the ultimate authority to have your event on this site, we hold the authority to remove it at any time.
9. Your event including the organization listing must not be involved in any illegal activities or act in a manner deemed as malpractice.
10. We will only share athlete information with you where we deem absolutely necessary.
By Entering a Competition on TCF you understand and agree that:
1. We claim no ownership over the competition.