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We've compiled our frequently asked questions so you can find the answers to your questions as easily and conveniently s possible!​
If you are still unsure then don't hesitate to contact us.
How long will my competition be advertised for?Your competition will be advertised until the competition entries close.
How do I advertise my competition?You need to complete the form HERE If you are listing more than 5 competitions in any one time, please contact us and we will discuss with you to make the process easier.
How long does it take for my competition to be posted?We aim to have all competitions listed within 5 working days.
How do you collate all the data?Organisers of the competitions submit the information here.
Is it free?It is free to browse competitions! You have to pay if you want your competition to be featured on the website.
How do I enter a competition?Each competition listing will have a website link, simply click that link to be taken to the website for entry.
How do I make a suggestion for the website?Simply drop us an e-mail or fill in our contact us form.
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